Saturday, 28 February 2015

Jennifer Aniston in Pieces


For 10 years, Tuesday has been G day for 1000s of British news and fashion fans when the new copy of Grazia hits. No woman has graced more Grazia covers than Jennifer Aniston, so the mag is celebrating its’ 10th anniversary with a special composite of all the previous Jen covers. Co-incidentally, it is also 10 years since the end of Jen’s marriage to Brad Pitt.
Irreverent and truthful, Grazia is a champion for equal pay for women as well as the place to find the latest store drop at Gucci. The magazine is published in various spots around the globe and was born in Italy. Europe has a brilliant tradition of weekly news and ‘A’-list fashion and people mags, which befuddlingly, have never taken flight in the USA. In terms of Ms. Aniston, looking at the success of ‘O’ magazine, one cannot help thinking American publishers are missing a trick without a ‘J’.
After launching Grazia and super-successfully navigating the mag through the choppy seas of publishing for a decade, Jane Bruton is leaving. Here’s wishing her and Grazia, bon voyage. Excuse the maritime metaphors, (to me, friend and fan of Ms. Bruton and Grazia) they just feel appropriate.


Saturday, 21 February 2015

Jennifer Aniston's 'liberating' Cake role

Jennifer Aniston found going make-up free for 'Cake' ''liberating''.
The 46-year-old actress usually has to pay careful attention to the way she looks so she enjoyed getting the chance to not worry about her appearance in the movie - in which she plays Claire Simmons, who is recovering from an accident who becomes obsessed by the suicide of another woman in her chronic pain support group - because it was important not to ''glamorize'' the role.
She said: ''This was not the kind of character you want to glamorize in any way.
''In my own life I've spent a lot of time dealing with having to pay attention to the way I dress and look, so playing Claire was beyond liberating in every way.
''Apart from make-up used to apply the scars, the only make-up I wore was when they were adding dark circles to my eyes.''
Jennifer admits the movie is the ''role of a lifetime'' for her but she fought hard to get the part.
She told Total Film magazine: ''It's the role of a lifetime. 'Cake' is the kind of film I've dreamed of doing for many years but I never really found a project like this until now.
''As soon as I read it, I knew I wanted to play Claire.
''I had to fight to get the part. I begged and begged [director] Daniel Barnz to give it to me because I knew I could do it and tap into all of Claire's different sides - her adventurous and sarcastic side as well as her anger and depression.
